On the morning of May 4th 2018 Tiffany, Jayden, our troop leader Ms.Krystle and I, Khloe went to Douglas Creek. We are observing site six. In this essay you will find tons more about the wonderful site six.
The Riparian Zone is the place that is green or alive. In site six the width if the Riparian Zone on the left bank looking downstream is 0-50”. Then the width of the Riparian Zone on the right bank looking downstream was another 0-50”. Then for the vegetation or how many plants cover an area we have 0% of Conifer or Evergreen trees in site six. It is quite moderate for Deciduous trees, very sparse for shrubs and then very abundant for grasses/herbs. Now for the overhead canopy or the amount of covering over the creek. So we have 0-25% of shrubs and grasses covering our stream reach, or our part of the creek.
For the stream bank, the vegetation cover of creek is moderate and very, very green the artificial bank protection is 0-25%. And the bank is intact and there is no erosion.
Our reach habitat has 4 riffle areas and 1 big pool and 2 little pools. The riffles cover 50% of our stream reach and the other 50% of our stream reach is covered by the pools. We have a sparse amount of woody debri and a moderate amount of organic debri.
There are no artificial structures. No dams or culverts no other man made structures.
We had no land uses adjacent to our stream reach in our stream reach which is surprising. No residential development, no commercial development, we have none of those man made things. Which in my opinion, I think that the creek is healthy so far.
As you see site six has many interesting features and still has even more!