Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Douglas creek trip 2 5/24/2010

At the creek there were lots of red ants like these ones. When you sat down to write you would find little red ants crawling up your leg and if they reached your hand they would bite.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

this is a map of site six there were lots of trees, bushes and fish.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Flower Buds

At Site Six there were lots and lots of flower buds on the trees.

This is the group photo. The peoples names are Ali mires, Claire Reed, Jaylen Hope, Jack Fenny, Cole Koenig

Trees at site six

At the creek there were lots of trees like these ones. You can see the beaver teeth marks we think that the beavers are affecting the trees. In the 2 picture you can see the burnt marks man is also affecting the trees to.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Animal sighting

At Douglas Creek we had many animal sightings like the ones on the pictures. At the bottom there is a farm of ants they are red ants and they were biting . At the 1 and 2 is beaver teeth marks that are fresh.

Site Survey May 8, 2010

Today you are going to learn the site survey of Douglas creek at site #6. The stream reach begins at N 47.29.435 W119.54.047. The stream reach ending is N47.29.436 W119.54.022.
First what you are going to learn about site#6 is the riparian zone. The width of the left bank is 0-50ft. the width of the right bank is 50-100ft. Site #6 has a very interesting vegetation. We have moderate conifer trees, no deciduous trees, abundant shrubs and abundant grasses and herbs. The overhead canopy is about 0-25%.
Next you are going to be learning about the channel. The shape and cross section looked like an upside down n. Next is the longitudinal pattern which was meandering. The gradient was very low that day.
Also you are going to learn about the stream bank. The vegetation cover was abundant, the artificial bank protection was 0-25%, and the bank stability had erosion in some areas.
Another thing was the reach habitat. The # of riffles was 2, the # of pools was 3, the percentile of riffles was 10%, and the percentile of pools was 15%. The woody debris was moderate, the organtic debris was abundant.
Now we are going to tell you about the artificial structures. In the stream reach there was liter and garbage, alongside the stream reach there was flood detention with a beaver dam and four wheeler tracks.
Finally was the land use of the stream reach. It is used for recreation.