Monday, June 8, 2009

Site Conclusion

The water is good at Douglas creek. Vegetations are improving since are last visit. It has been growing and it has been growing since are last visit. Are first visit was not much green, now it is huge.

Because of the vegetations, you would probably see lots of animals like deer and coyotes. Other animals like birds would come to eat the bugs and bears would come for the fish.

We caught 7 macro-invertebrates and we think that means our stream is good. The dissolved oxygen in the stream is good and the stream has what it needs. Our stream doesn’t have a lot of regular oxygen to kill the fish. Also our stream was the right temperature. In conclusion our site at Douglas creek is going good.

Water Quality 2009

Macroinvertibrates 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Photo: Animal Evidence

This is a picture deer scat.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Photo: Animal Evidence


This is a fish that swam by our site.

Photo: Animal Evidence

This is a log that has been chewed on by beavers. Can you see the teeth marks?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Site Survey Summary 2009

Site Six Survey

Site six is along Douglas Creek. It has a lot of grass and trees nearby. We looked at a section that was 100 feet long from one beaver lodge to another. The latitude is N 47° 29,436’ and the longitude is W 119° 3,630’.

First we looked at the width in the Riparian Zone. The left bank looking downstream was 0-50 inches. The right bank looking downstream was 50-100 inches. We saw deciduous trees and grasses and weeds. The water was clam in the pools. There wasn’t very much shade around. The overhead canopy was only 0-25%.

Second we looked at how the creek was shaped. The creek meandered and was very low less than 3 feet deep with a flat bottom.

Next we looked at the stream banks. The vegetation cover was abundant. The artificial bank protection was 0-25%. The bank was intact.

Fourth we looked at the reach habitat. There were a few riffles and three pools. There were more pools about 70% than riffles about 30%. There was a moderate amount of wood in the water that looked like bamboo. There was a little bit of grass and leaves in the water.

Now we saw some beaver lodges on the sides of the creek. We did not see any other artificial structures in the creek. We saw a road alongside the stream reach.

Finally, we saw some recreation. There were people camping a few sites down stream, about 300-400 feet away.

Site six had a lot of trees around so the beavers could make lodges. It was clean and had calm water. You should see it for yourself.